2025 State Convention Agenda
“The Power of Collaboration: Together We Soar”
March 14-16, 2025
Hotel Capstone
320 Paul W. Bryant Drive
Tuscaloosa, AL 35401
Phone: 1.800.477.2262
Convention Registration: 35.00
No Event Tickets Available During Convention
National Representative
Pamela Allen, First Vice President
National Federation of the Blind
NFB Louisiana Affiliate President
Louisiana Center for The Blind Director
NFB Pledge
I pledge to participate actively in the effort of the National Federation of the Blind to achieve equality, opportunity, and security for the blind; to support the policies and programs of the Federation; and to abide by its constitution.
Inclusivity, Diversity, and Social Conduct
We are committed to providing a harassment-free environment for everyone. Thank you for cultivating an atmosphere in which participants from diverse backgrounds can learn, network, and share with each other in an environment of mutual respect.
We recognize a shared responsibility to create and uphold that atmosphere for the benefit of all.
NFB of Alabama Officers and Board of Directors 2024-2025
President: Barbara Manuel
1st Vice President: Tamika Williams
2nd Vice President: Jill Rossiter
Secretary: Grace Anderson
Treasurer: Latresa Berry
Board Seat 1: Ashley Malson
Board Seat 2: Jeffery Wilson
Board Seat 3: Zippora Jones
Board Seat 4: Brenda Houston
Board Seat 5: Tiffany Moore
Board Seat 6: Pazater Turner
Registration Chair: Zippora Jones
Door Prize Chair: Brenda Houston
Scholarship Chair: Grace Anderson
Vendor Fair Chair: Tamika Williams
Friday, March 14, 2025
10:00 AM – 12:30 PM
University of Alabama Stadium, Bryant-Denny Museum Tour with Lunch
1:00 PM – 2:30 PM & 3:30 PM – 5:00 PM
Pre-Function Area
1:00 PM – 6:00 PM
Vendor Fair
Governor’s Room & Pre-Function Area
1:30 PM – 3:00 PM & 6:00 PM – 7:30 PM
Hospitality Parlor – Room 314
1:30 PM – 2:00 PM
Welcome: Barbara Manuel, President NFB of Alabama
Introduction of Vendor Fair Showcase: Tamika Williams, 1st Vice President
And Tabaris Brown, 1st Vice President, Montgomery Chapter
Convention Announcements: Ronisha Hall, Tuscaloosa Chapter
Murphy Room
2:00 PM – 3:00 PM
National Federation of the Blind of Alabama Affiliate Board Meeting
President Barbara Manuel Presiding
Murphy Room
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Breakout I: Strengthening Communities Through Partnerships
Lauren Ballard
Community Health Programs Coordinator
the Area Agency on Aging of West Alabama
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Ottia Phillips
Executive Director
Easter Seal West Alabama
Tuscaloosa, Alabama
Murphy Room
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Breakout II: From Barriers to Breakthroughs: The Role of Assistive Tech
Adam Suitor, President
Computer & Adaptive Aids Consultant
Emerald Coast Vision Aids, Inc. Veteran Owned Business
Pensacola, Florida
Fitzpatrick Room
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Breakout I: Allies in Conflict Resolution
Kelley Park
AIDB Chief Human Resources Officer
Talladega, Alabama
Dr. Shametra Miller
Interim Executive Director AIDB-North and Director of Employee Relations and Title IX Coordinator,
Talladega, Alabama
Murphy Room
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Breakout II: Turning Dreams into Businesses: The Power of Entrepreneurship
Dr. Joshua V. White, Ph.D.,
Program Manager
Alabama Entrepreneurship Institute
The University of Alabama
Tuscaloosa Alabama
Fitzpatrick Room
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM - NFB of Alabama Seniors Division
Carol Braithwaite, President
Murphy Room
5:00 PM – 6:00 PM - National Association of Blind Merchants
Tracy Watts, President
President Room
5:00 PM – 7:00 PM - Dinner Break
7:00 PM –11:00 PM – NFB Reception (BBQ Buffet Feast)
Dress up, dance, & celebrate as we stroll back during our Down Through the Decades party! Got talent? Enter the talent showcase that will also be that night
Felisha Johnson, Presiding
Ballroom C & D
Saturday March 15, 2025
7:45 AM – 8:30 AM
Pre-function Area
"The Power of Collaboration; Together We Soar NFB of Alabama Convention"
General Session
Hotel Capstone Ballroom
9:00 AM – 9:30 AM
Call to Order:
Barbara Manuel, President
NFB of Alabama
Opening Ceremonies
Welcome: Brenda Houston, President
Tuscaloosa Southwest Chapter
Invocation: Atha Holloway, Minister
All Nation Church of God
NFB Montgomery Chapter
NFB of Alabama Membership Coordinator
NFB Pledge: Wendy McKee
NFB of Alabama At Large Member
Presentation of Colors: UA Army ROTC Color Guard, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa AL
National Anthem: Laramie Long
Birmingham AL.
Proclamation: Latresia Berry, NFB of Alabama Treasurer
9:30 AM – 10:10 AM
2025 National Report
Pamela Allen, First Vice President
National Federation of the Blind
NFB Louisiana Affiliate President
Louisiana Center for the Blind Director
Ruston Louisiana
10:10 AM – 10:35 AM
Promoting Collaboration and Serving People
Dennis A. Gilliam, Ed.D., President
Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind
Talladega, AL
10:35 AM – 11:00 AM
W. Ashley Townsend, MA, CRC
Assistant Commissioner
Blind and Deaf Services
Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services
Montgomery, AL
11:00 AM – 11:20 AM
Teachers of Tomorrow; Broadening Blind Children’s Future
Krista Bischoff
NFB Teacher of Tomorrow Participant
Teacher of the Visually Impaired and Special Education Teacher
Boaz City School System
Boaz, Alabama
11:20 AM – 11:50 AM
Celebrating Progress Through Collaboration: Highlights of the People’s Movement; National Federation of the Blind of Alabama Affiliate Report
Barbara Manuel, NFB of Alabama President
Mobile, AL
11:50 AM – 12:00 PM
Convention Announcements
Zippora Jones, President
NFB of Alabama Montgomery Chapter
12:00 PM – 2:00 PM Lunch Break
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
NFB of Alabama Vendor Fair
Governor’s Room
12:00 PM – 1:30 PM
Hospitality Parlor, Room 314
2:00 PM – 2:50 PM
Breakout I: Navigating Your Future the Structure Discovery Way
Pamela Allen, First Vice President
National Federation of the Blind
NFB Louisiana Affiliate President
Louisiana Center for the Blind Director
Ruston Louisiana
Roland Allen
Orientation & Mobility Travel Instructor
Ruston, Louisiana
Murphy Room
Breakout II: Collaborative Tips to Foster an Enhanced Life
Joshua Whitmire
Outreach Specialist / Peer Specialist
Disability Rights and Resources
Birmingham, Alabama
Gayle Room
Breakout III: Unlocking Success Through Ethical Leadership
Dr. Willie Patterson
Redeem Community Church Pastor
Professor, University of South Alabama
Mobile, Alabama
President’s Room
3:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Breakout I: Collaborative Relationships: Advancing Vision Rehabilitation Together
Dennis A. Gilliam, Ed.D., President
Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind
Talladega, Alabama
W. Ashley Townsend, MA, CRC
Assistant Commissioner
Blind and Deaf Services
Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services
Montgomery, AL
Murphy Room
Breakout II: “AI Unleashed: Transforming Ideas into Reality"
Jason Martin
Technical Innovation Product Manager
American Printing House for the Blind
Prattville, Alabama
Gayle Room
Breakout III: Tools and techniques to Foster Independence
Gabriella Orton
Assistive Technology Trainer
Alabama Freedom Center for the Blind
Alabama Institute for the Deaf and Blind
Decatur, AL
President’s Room
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Breakout I: The Power of Peer Networking
Roland Allen
Orientation & Mobility Travel Instructor
Ruston, Louisiana
Pamela Allen, First Vice President
National Federation of the Blind
NFB Louisiana Affiliate President
Louisiana Center for the Blind Director
Ruston Louisiana
Murphy Room
Breakout II: From Innovation to Icon: The Smart Phone Journey
Collin Frase,
Assistive Technology Specialist for Blind Services
Alabama Department of Rehabilitation Services
Montgomery, AL
Gayle Room
Breakout III: Inspiring Minds; Igniting Possibilities
Dr. Nancy C. Pack
The Alabama Regional Library for the Blind and Physically Disabled
Alabama Library Service Director
Montgomery, AL
President’s Room
5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Hospitality Parlor Room 314
7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
2025 Annual Affiliate Banquet
Hotel Capstone Ballroom
Entertainment: Tony Nixon, Tuscaloosa Chapter
Presider: Tamika Williams, NFB of Alabama First Vice President
Invocation: Dr. Bishop Rutledge, Birmingham Chapter
Musical selections
Dinner Served
Introduction of National Representative: Tamika Williams, NFB of Alabama First Vice President
Banquet Address: National Federation of the Blind Representative
Pamela Allen
National Federation of the Blind
NFB of Louisiana Affiliate President
Louisiana Center for the Blind Director
Ruston Louisiana
Scholarship Awards: Grace Anderson, Scholarship Committee Chairperson
Awards Ceremony: Tamika Williams, First Vice President
Barbara Manuel, Affiliate President
Pre-Authorization Contribution (PAC): Zippora Jones
Montgomery Chapter President
9:15 PM – 11:00 PM
Pies for a Purpose: Make a Splash for the Cause!"
Pie for Povinelli?
Would you like to throw a pie at Povinelli! It’s all in good spirit for the work of the federation, and the best part? You have to be there to take your shot! Get ready for some fun, laughs, and a whole lot of mess!
Zippora Jones, Presiding
Sunday, March 16, 2025
8:30 AM – 9:30 AM
Governor’s Room
Felisha Johnson, Minister
Tuscaloosa Southwest Chapter
10:00 AM
Alabama Affiliate Annual Business Meeting
Call to Order: Barbara Manuel, NFB of Alabama President
Invocation: Pazater Turner, President
Talladega Chapter
Reading of Minutes: Grace Anderson, NFB of Alabama Secretary
Treasurer Report: Latresia Berry, Affiliate Treasurer
Nominating Committee Report: Brenda Houston, Chairperson
Open Positions
Executive Officers
President: Barbara Manuel
First Vice President: Tamika Williams
Second Vice President: Jill Rossiter
Secretary: Grace Anderson
Treasurer: Latresia Berry
Board Position 1 - Ashley Malson
Board Position 3 - Zippora Jones
Board Position 5: Tiffany Moore
Appointment of 2025 Delegate and Alternate
Affiliate Grants to National
Chapter Highlights
Old Business
New Business
National Federation of the Blind of Alabama
Pamela Allen 2025 National Representative
Originally from Lancaster, New York, Pam was blessed to grow up in a loving and supportive family surrounded by high expectations. Blindness was not viewed as a barrier. The loving example and nurturing environment gave her a solid foundation upon which to build.
When she was a senior at Denison University majoring in psychology with a minor in women’s studies, Pam was awarded a national scholarship by the National Federation of the Blind (NFB). This opportunity would be transformative in ways she could not have imagined. It allowed her to engage with the NFB community, where she served as vice president of the Ohio Association of Blind Students and secretary of the National Association of Blind Students. Additionally, she gained valuable experience working with the Children’s Program at the Louisiana Center for the Blind during her summer breaks in college.
Pam’s commitment to empowering blind individuals ultimately led her to a leadership role as the Executive Director of the Louisiana Center for the Blind, located in Ruston, Louisiana. In this capacity since 2001, she has been instrumental in developing and overseeing programs that equip blind individuals with essential skills for independent living and success. Her dedication extends to her involvement with the NFB at both state and national levels. Pam serves as the president of the National Federation of the Blind of Louisiana, where she advocates for the rights and opportunities of blind individuals across the state and around the country. Her leadership and advocacy efforts have been pivotal in advancing the organization’s mission and initiatives. She serves on the Advisory Council for the Professional Development and Research Institute on Blindness at Louisiana Tech University. She was also appointed by Governor Landry to serve on the Louisiana Statewide Independent Living Council.
On a national scale, Pam currently holds the position of First Vice President on the NFB’s board of directors. In this role, she collaborates with fellow leaders to shape policies and programs that promote equality and accessibility for blind individuals nationwide. She also serves as Vice President for the National Association of Blind Rehabilitation Professionals.
Pam and her husband, Roland, a talented cane travel instructor and dedicated leader, live in Ruston and have been married since 2001. In addition to traveling, Pam enjoys reading, baking, rock climbing, and shopping. She and Roland are active members of their community and love giving back. Serving as national rep is a blessing and honor that enables her to learn from and share with her Federation family.
We believe in the capabilities of blind people; we take action to advance the aspirations of the blind; and we create a loving community where we learn to be our most powerful selves. Our faith in the capacity and dignity of blind individuals is at the heart of our mission.
The NFB provides a loving, supportive, and encouraging family that shares in the challenges and triumphs of our blind brothers and sisters. This deeply held faith in one another sustains members during times of challenge and cheers on individual and collective successes. Love is the feeling that permeates our organization and pushes us to expect the best from each other.
The National Federation of the Blind of Alabama, Extends our deepest gratitude to each of you. Your presence, energy, and commitment to advocate for equality and independence is what made this event truly special.
We will continue striving for a future where blind and low-vision individuals have equal opportunities and rights.
Thank you once again for being a part of our mission and for making this convention a success. We look forward to working alongside you to build a brighter future for all."
NFB One Minute Message
The National Federation of the Blind knows that blindness is not the characteristic that defines you or your future. Every day we raise the expectations of blind people, because low expectations create obstacles between blind people and our dreams. You can live the life you want; blindness is not what holds you back.